Process Redesign for Organisational Value & Efficiency

Process Redesign for Organisational Value & Efficiency (PROVE) is a program that imparts analysis, innovation and documentation skills for participants to map their organisation’s processes accurately and effectively.

Course structure

Learning Outcome: Participants will be able to identify different process-related diagrams and charts and determine the best one to use to document their processes.
Learning Outcome: Participants will be able to design Flowchart processes to document simple, low-level processes with sparse details; Tree Diagrams to break down complex processes into their sub-processes; and RACI Charts to understand who is responsible, assisting consulted or informed for/about a particular
Learning Outcome: Participants will be able to design SIPOC Diagrams to clarify who are the suppliers, what are the inputs and outputs and who are the customers in a particular process; and Deployment Charts to clarify who is responsible for an activity and what are the decision points in a particular process.
Learning Outcome: Participants will be able to design IDEF-0 diagrams that clarify the inputs, outputs, controls and resources for each stage in a process.
Learning Outcome: Participants will be able to apply questioning, listening and probing techniques to gather process data from subject matter experts to document As-Is processes.
Learning Outcome: Participants will be able to apply everything they’ve learned on case studies from their own organization and document their current processes from the available documentation.
Learning Outcome: Participants will be able to use the TIMWOOD model to analyse wastage in time, effort and materials and transform the As-Is processes into more efficient and effective To-Be processes to propose to their organization.